Throughout his life my grandfather was an endless source of stories and wise old tales - some of them were even true! In his later years, my grandfather had been writing a collection of favoured stories and anecdotes from his childhood in Ireland and a 40 page book 'A Life In Clare' was printed for members of the family to keep as treasured memories.
In the last fifteen years of my grandfather's life, I twice embarked on a journey around Ireland with him. We visited the house where my grandfather's family grew up in the 1920s and still stands now proudly as Daly's Bar in Ballynacally. For every road we walked down, every building we passed and every family we met, there were stories that captured the imagination whilst enhancing a proud sense of family history.
The idea came to me that a visual version of his stories told by my grandfather edited with photographs to match could become a very treasured family possession - for us now and for all the family members yet to come or too young to remember my grandfather. Unfortunately, my grandfather passed away before we could film this.
A film would have revealed so much about his life, character and spirit along with the wealth of family background and history involved. But his book remains - as did the idea of creating a short film about a person's life.